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A New Project

Hello everyone!

What's this? A post within days of the previous one? I know, I must be mad. Fret not, no deep thinking to be done today -- I do, however, want to semi-announce a new project I'm working on at the moment.

As of yet, there is no expected release date. Haven't even really got a name for it, yet. As some of you may well remember, I am... deeply invested in roleplaying. Yup. You would think after about six years I might have found another hobby, but truthfully, I love it as much as the day I've started. I can't vouch for it enough; my writing honestly would not be where it is at today without roleplaying, and it's challenged me so much to improve and grow as a community member.

For those of you who have no idea what I'm talking about -- roleplaying is a bit like LARPing, except without the live action bit. Think of it like a written version of a podcast. Essentially, it's me and my friends acting out as various different characters telling a story together. Collaborative storytelling, if you will. Generally, you write for your own character, the next person writes for theirs, and so on. Sort of like very, very dramatic written acting.

I've always wanted to build a website for this sort of thing, because prior to this we've been working on Tumblr almost exclusively. While I do enjoy this platform, it's not ideal for numerous reasons. Admittedly, I've only stuck with it because it's one of the few social network-based platforms where I can manually create CSS/HTML layouts that work for me. I know, I really have no room to talk about needing to be able to edit CSS when this website is entirely crafted from Wix magic. Trust me, I know. I wish it wasn't sometimes, but that's another story.

The website! It's basically going to be a roleplay community set in the same world my book takes place in. It's both a challenge to me to get my arse into gear and get the behind-the-scenes work done as well as what will hopefully be a fun little side project for my friends and I to share with you all.

I'll keep you all posted with expected release dates and such and in the meantime, perhaps you can let me know what sort of features you look for in a roleplay?

Until then,


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